Carsten Thoms
International Science & Early-Career Researchers


(i.e. outside Germany)

The world is facing a number of global challenges, such as climate change, pollution, natural resource depletion, and potential pandemics. Counteracting them requires countries and regions working together. Through globalization and internet communication innovation processes and the knowledge pool generated by science become both more dispersed and more openly accessible. Science has to be an international effort and the global scientific community has to be strengthened by professional partnerships and personal friendships across political borders to make best use of this. Internationalization of science on an institutional an individual level is an essential basis to be able to come up with solutions to future global challenges and to effectively join forces in developing ground-breaking innovations. This is what I want to be part of and what I am striving to promote with my work.

> Indonesia

> Guam, USA

> India

> Europe

